Monday, September 5, 2016

From the Road: Pennsylvania

For this long Labor Day weekend, we have been visiting Philadelphia and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania.

It has been a quick trip, but we sure have packed a lot in. 

We started our trip on Saturday when we went to Valley Forge and to Gettysburg. We spent a lot of time in the car but we were able to experience some pretty incredible places. 

Sunday we drove up north to Susquehanna where we went to a very significant site in our church's history. The LDS Priesthood Restoration site was such a beautiful experience for both Ben and I. This little area in northern Pennsylvania holds a lot of important events that have had a large impact on our lives. 

Today we spent the whole day in Philadelphia. We started our morning out with visiting the open house for the LDS Philadelphia temple which was breathtakingly beautiful. We then spent the rest of the day visiting American historical sites like the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and Benjamin Franklin's printing shop. We also spent time at the Constitution Center, a Benjamin Franklin museum, and we also headed over to the LOVE Sign. 
It's been such a great trip and we can't wait to do some full posts with all the details from our adventures. 

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